Physics & Chemistry Machine Shop

Active jobs:

JobID Name Project Entered Labor Materials Status
1110 Johnson,Jessica Lorenz Force Demos 1-23-2023 $ 243.75 $0 IN PROGRESS
1268 DiNapoli,Thomas Parts for multimode flute cavity project 6-10-2024 $ 337.50 $ IN PROGRESS
1286 Turrin,Brent Al Sample Disks 8-26-2024 $ 3,206.25 $0 IN PROGRESS
1287 Aragon,David Instrument mounting spine 8-27-2024 $ 1,050.00 $0 IN PROGRESS
1300 Browning,James slide making jig 10-11-2024 $ 731.25 $66.5 IN PROGRESS
1303 Barbosa,Andre 6061 Al Coffin Cavity, Cu bobbin flange, and modification to Bluefors SS ISO flange. 10-14-2024 $ 1,368.75 $0 IN PROGRESS
1307 Godfrey,Linda fabrication of a drying box 10-22-2024 $ 0.00 $ REVIEW PENDING
1308 Huang,Boyuan I need a mask for thermal evaporator 10-28-2024 $ 0.00 $ REVIEW PENDING
1315 Leung,Carlin Help Design and Machine an Experimental Rotary Drum 11-25-2024 $ 0.00 $ REVIEW PENDING
1319 Wu,Weida helium recovery line in room 164 12-6-2024 $ 0.00 $ REVIEW PENDING
1320 Cabanes,Dan hydraulic press oil leak 12-9-2024 $ 0.00 $ REVIEW PENDING

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Revised Oct 29, 2013