Create Physics & Chemistry
Machine Shop Work Order*

*Request must be approved before work begins.
Fields marked with * are optional

Machine Shop Work Order Request Name of person submitting work

Name of Professor in charge

Will you be providing used parts for machining?
If yes, please explain any discoloration. If the part has been exposed to any chemicals, you MUST PROVIDE an MSDS form for each chemical the part has been exposed to. Please describe any and all efforts you have made to clean/decontaminate the part.

If this request can be easily described in words, please enter the description below. If you need to submit drawings or additional paperwork, please indicate the information you will forward, and the location or method by which to find it.


Please check the information above. When the form is completed press the button below.
Email notifications will be sent to you when the work request is accepted and when the status of your job changes.

See a list of current work submitted to the Machine Shop

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Revised Oct 29, 2013