Directory of Graduate Faculty

Name Position Group Phone Office Email
Andrei, Eva Y. faculty cmx 848-445-8748 W114 eandrei@physics
Andrei, Natan faculty cmt, het 848-445-9027 E262 natan@physics
Baker, Andrew J. faculty asx 848-445-8887 W309 ajbaker@physics
Banks, Tom faculty het 848-445-9064 E368 tibanks AT
Bartynski, Robert A. faculty cmx, ssx 848-445-8426 NPL203 bart@physics
Batson, Philip E. faculty cmx, ssx 914-523-7170 NPL209 batson@physics
Bhanot, Gyan faculty bio 848-445-9037 E272 gyanbhanot AT
Blumberg, Girsh faculty cmx 848-445-8744 W111 girsh@physics
Brooks, Alyson M. faculty ast 848-445-8877 W306 abrooks@physics
Buckley, Matthew faculty ast, het 848-445-9070 W329 mbuckley@physics
Burkhart, Blakesley faculty ast W317 b.burkhart AT
Chakhalian, Jak faculty cmx 848-445-8724 W109 jak.chakhalian AT
Chakram, Srivatsan faculty cmx, qsm 848-445-8978 W120 schakram@physics
Chandra, Premala faculty cmt 848-445-9028 E263 pchandra@physics
Cheong, Sang-Wook faculty cmx 848-445-9023 W123, E154 lab, W229 lab sangc@physics
Chou, John Paul faculty hex 848-445-8961 W314 johnpaul@physics
Cizewski, Jolie A. faculty npx 848-445-8773 W210 cizewski@physics
Coleman, Piers faculty cmt, qsm 848-445-9033 E268 coleman@physics
Croft, Mark faculty cmx 848-445-8746 W113 Croft@physics
Diaconescu, Duiliu Emanuel faculty het 848-445-9054 E358 duiliu@physics
Etkina, Eugenia associated faculty per (848)-932-0783 Graduate School of Ed. eugenia.etkina@gse
Falkowski, Paul associated faculty bio 848-932-3426 Marine Sciences Building falko@marine
Feldman, Leonard C. faculty cmx 848-445-4524 NPL212 l.c.feldman AT
Friedan, Daniel faculty het 848-445-9062 E366 friedan@physics
Garfunkel, Eric associated faculty ssx, cmx 848-445-2747 Chem 286 egarf AT
Gawiser, Eric faculty asx 848-445-8874 W303 gawiser@physics
Gershenson, Michael faculty cmx W122 gersh@physics
Gershtein, Yuri faculty hex 848-445-8963 W316 gershtein@physics
Gilman, Ronald faculty npx 848-445-8775 W212 rgilman@physics
Goldin, Gerald A. associated faculty 908-720-2434 GSE 235 geraldgoldin@dimacs
Goldstein, Sheldon associated faculty 732-445-6795 Hill710 oldstein@math
Gustafsson, Torgny faculty cmx, ssx gustaf@physics
Halkiadakis, Eva faculty hex 848-445-8965 W318 evahal AT
Haule, Kristjan faculty cmt, qsm 848-445-9032 E267 haule@physics
Hinch, Jane associated faculty ssx, cmx 848-445-0663 Wright Rieman Lab 180A jhinch@rutchem
Hughes, John P. faculty asx 848-445-8786 W221B, W307 jph@physics
Jha, Saurabh W. faculty asx 848-445-8962 W315 saurabh@physics
Keeton, Charles R. faculty ast 848-445-8876 W305 keeton@physics
Khiabanian, Hossein associated faculty 732-235-7554 195 Little Albany Street, New Brunswick h.khiabanian AT
Kiryukhin, Valery faculty cmx 848-445-8752 W118 vkir@physics
Kloet, Willem M. faculty npt 848-445-8774 W211 kloet@physics
Kojima, Haruo faculty cmx NPL208 Kojima@physics
Kotliar, Gabriel faculty cmt, qsm 848-445-9036 E271 kotliar@physics
Lath, Amitabh faculty hex 848-445-8971 W324 lath@physics
Lebowitz, Joel L. faculty cmt 848-445-3117 Hill 612 lebowitz@math
Lee, Sang-Hyuk faculty bio 848-445-5286 Proteomics shlee@physics
Lindenfeld, Peter faculty cmx, ins, per NPL208 lindenf@physics
Lukyanov, Sergei faculty het 848-445-9060 E364 sergei@physics
Manhart, Michael associated faculty bio 848-445-9835 CABM 306 mmanhart AT
Mastbaum, Andrew faculty hex 848-445-8967 W320 mastbaum@physics
McQuinn, Kristen B W faculty ast 848-445-8879 W308 kristen.mcquinn AT
Moore, Greg faculty het 848-445-9058 E362 gmoore@physics
Morozov, Alexandre V. faculty bio 848-445-1387 E266 morozov@physics
Murnick, Daniel E. associated faculty (973)-353-5446 366 Smith (Nwk) murnick@newark
Neuberger, Herbert faculty het 848-445-8966 W319 neuberg@physics
Oh, Seongshik faculty cmx 848-445-8754 W121 ohsean@physics
Olson, Wilma K. associated faculty bio 732-445-3993 Chem Building, A209 wilma.olson AT
Pixley, Jedediah H. faculty cmt, qsm 848-445-9029 E264 jed.pixley@physics
Podzorov, Vitaly faculty cmx 848-445-8753 NPL206 podzorov@physics
Pryor, Carlton faculty asx 848-445-8873 W302 pryor@physics
Rabe, Karin M. faculty cmt 848-445-9030 E265 rabe@physics
Rangan, Sylvie faculty ssx, cmx 848-445-8419 NPL205 rangan@physics
Ransome, Ronald D. faculty npx 848-445-8779 W214 ransome@physics
Roy, Ananda faculty cmt, qsm 848-445-8776 E260 ananda.roy@physics
Salur, Sevil faculty npx 848-445-8784 W220 salur@physics
Schnetzer, Stephen faculty hex 848-445-8975 W328 steves@physics
Sengupta, Anirvan M. faculty bio 848-445-3880 E258 anirvans@physics
Shih, David faculty het 848-445-9067 E370 dshih@physics
Shinbrot, Troy associated faculty 732-445-6584 Biomedical Engineering Building shinbrot@soe
Soffer, Avraham associated faculty 848-445-7948 Hill 724 avraham.soffer AT
Somalwar, Sunil faculty hex 848-445-8895 W312 Sunil.Somalwar AT Rutgers.Edu
Thomas, Scott faculty het 848-445-9073 E379 scthomas@physics
Vanderbilt, David faculty cmt 848-445-9049 E291 dhv@physics
Williams, Theodore B. faculty asx williams@physics
Wu, Weida faculty cmx 848-445-8751 W117, W132 lab, E164 lab wdwu@physics
Yuzbashyan, Emil faculty cmt 848-445-9035 E270 eyuzbash@physics
Zamick, Larry faculty npt 848-445-8778 W215 Zamick@physics
Zimmermann, Frank M. faculty cmx, ssx 848-445-8269 NPL204 fmz@physics